Facebook / My Space

May 16, 2008 on 10:53 am | In Rants | 1 Comment

So I ask myself, What is the deal with facebook?  Why would people share there personal information so freely?  Why is having a myspace page deemed “cool”.

When we have new privacy laws in this country to protect our personal information, we at the same time feel in necessary to share our personal details with the world.

I welcome your comments on this…..

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  1. Protection of personal information? On Face Book I can control who see’s my pages. Granted I trust Facebook to ensure the settings I tick are carried out. Beyond that, if someone wanted to get information on me there are far better ways to get it. I’m not foolish about what I post but I really do not worry about “my personal information”. If its that personal I don’t post it.

    Comment by Andreas — November 25, 2008 #

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