They walk among us.

April 17, 2008 on 10:12 pm | In Rants | No Comments

It is curious why people find it nessecary to bully people on the internet. Often an advertisment on eBay or Kijiji results in a completely uninvited response with someone’s unwanted opinion. These people have no interest in your product, but feel they are the ambassadors of the internet.

I posted a boat motor for sale on Kijiji some time ago. This resulted in a reply to the advertisment letting me know that my motor was dirty and I should be embarrassed, as a boater, keeping my equipment in such a state. WHAT? Why do you care? How can you tell from the picture? Why did this person feel his opinion was justified?

More recently I recieved a reply to a Kijiji advertisement for an ATV. I stated in this ad that it is a “legal Two-up”. I used this term to describe the fact that it is a factory designed and produced two seat ATV. Although it is not legal in Ontario to operate on the streets, it is legal on the trails and in other parts of Canada. The laws are under review and will probably be legal on the streets of Ontario in those ATV friendly communities soon.

This person went on to harass, slander and insult me. Telling me that he graduated law school and he knew better. Well it appears that Wade Ramsey (a.k.a. Dubb Shweeny and a.k.a. Warren England) of Sudbury, the initiator of the emails, graduated High School and is currently, at the time of this post, unemployed. He is currently making every indication that he will cheat on his financee. This is the self stated law school graduate who is all knowing because he, in his own admission, was charged twice for riding with a passenger on an ATV. You would think if he was so smart he would have learned after the first charge.

The next step is to report the email to Kijiji and to the police as the emails included open threats which any law student would know to be a criminal offense.

Don’t be discouraged by the weak minded hiding behind the computer screen who make themselves feel big by bullying people on the internet. Report these occurences to your local police!

It is amazing how many of these bullies walk among us.

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